Category Archives: Health

Smoking And E Cigarettes

E Cigarettes, Regulation and Tax Duty

All smokers are well aware of the risks that take with their health every time they light another cigarette. Smokers are far more likely to contract cancer and indeed to die from smoking related cancers. Tobacco companies are very wealthy and very powerful, giving them a lot of influence with governments around the world.

Electronic Cigarette Smoking and Taxation

If all the UK’s smokers quit cigarettes, the government will lose over £12 billion in annual Continue reading Smoking And E Cigarettes

What Did Cavemen Eat?

What was the Cavemen Diet

The Paleo diet is often also called the cavemen diet or Paleolithic diet. Our diet has changed over the centuries due to intensive farming, necessary to feed a rapidly growing population.We consider our modern diet to be healthy and natural, but it includes modern farmed foods including wheat, grains, dairy, legumes, soya and maize which are not a traditionally natural part of our diet.

As our population grew, it became necessary to develop our farming processes in order to be able to feed the ever Continue reading What Did Cavemen Eat?